em info english

Diskutiere em info english im Fitness & Bodybuilding Allgemein Forum im Bereich Allgemein; WPC – European Powerlifting & Benchpress Championships 17. – 19.05.2002 Schmölln – Germany We would like to welcome you to the annual European...

  1. xmaus

    xmaus Handtuchhalter

    Dabei seit:
    WPC – European Powerlifting & Benchpress
    17. – 19.05.2002
    Schmölln – Germany
    We would like to welcome you to the annual European Championship in Schmölln, a beautiful place in Middle Germany.
    Your trip to us is uncomplicated possible via the International Airport Halle/Leipzig and then by car or shuttle service on the Highways A14 over Leipzig in the direction of Gera or on the Highway A9 in the direction of Munich to the intersection “Hermsdorfer Kreuz”. There you have to go onto the Highway A4 in the direction of Dresden untill the departure Ronneburg/Schmölln or the departure Schmölln. All the participants comming by car please orientate with the enclosed Highwayplan.
    Our contract partner of accommodation is the Hotel Altenburger Hof in the nearby city of Altenburg. Your reservations can be made via internet or by mail by using the key word “Powerlifting EM 02”. Please see the enclosed Hotel information flyer for more booking informations.
    The European Championship (EM) itself will happen at the “Ostthüringenhalle” (East-Thüringen-Hall) in Schmölln.
    The Major of Schmölln itself has taken the sponsorship and will accompany the Championship.
    Hereafter please notice the informations for the balance times and the classifying into weight and age. Deadline for entry registration is the 7th of May 2002! There are no registrations possible after this date.!
    Singlestart:(only Bench, only Powerlifting): 40,00 €
    Doublestart:(Benchpress and Powerlifting:60,00 €
    The entry fee is to be paid to the following bank account by remittance:
    Schmidt Bank Altenburg
    Account-Nr.: 69 00 14 554
    BLZ (bank-code): 780 300 70
    At the balance appointment the payment receipt is to be shown. The Team leader of the nation have to check the payment of the entry fee in advance.
    WPC – European Powerlifting & Benchpress
    17. – 19.05.2002
    Schmölln – Germany
    Times of balance:
    Thursday, 16th of May 2002: only Benchpress!
    10.00 am – 11.30 am:Men – 82,5 kg
    Woman of all weight categories
    14.00 pm – 15.30 pm:Men– 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    Friday, 17th of May 2002:
    08.00 am – 09.30 am:All Benchpress
    09.30 am – 11.00 am:Powerlifter Teen, Junior, Masters 45/80
    in the weight categories 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    12.00 pm – 13.30 pm:Benchpresser – 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    15.00 pm – 16.30 pm:Powerlifter all age categories – 52 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    except Master at age of 40 – 44
    Saturday, 18th of May 2002: Powerlifting
    07.30 am – 09.00 am:Teen, Junior, Masters at age of 45 – 80
    - 52 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    09.30 am – 11.00 am:all woman
    Men open – 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    Master at age of 40 – 44
    13.00 pm – 14.30 pm:Age categories (except MasterI I)
    all woman
    open category + Master at age of 40 – 44
    weight category – 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    15.00 pm – 16.30 pm:all woman – 44 kg – 90 kg/90+ kg
    open category – 52 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    Master at age of 40 – 44 – 52kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    Sunday, 19th of May 2002: Powerlifting
    07.30 am – 09.00 am:all woman
    open category + Masters at age of 40-44
    - 52 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    13.00 pm – 14.30 pm:open category + Masters at age of 40 – 44
    - 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg

    WPC – European Powerlifting & Benchpress
    17. – 19.05.2002
    Schmölln – Germany
    Starts of all weight- and age categories:
    Friday, 17.05.2002: Only Benchpress
    Start:10.00 amBenchpress men – 82,5 kg
    Benchpress woman of all weight categories
    Start:14.00 pmBenchpress men – 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    afterwards flower ceremony for all benchpress categories
    Saturday, 18.05.2002: Powerlifting
    Start:09.30 amall age categories 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    (except Master at age of 40 – 44)
    Start:15.00 pmall age categories – 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg
    (Teen, Juniors, Master at age of 45 – 80)
    Sunday, 19.05.2002: Powerlifting
    Start:09.30 amwoman all categories 44 kg – 90 kg/90+ kg
    men open 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    Master at age of 40 – 44, - 52 kg – 82,5 kg
    Start:15.00 pmMen open + Master at age of 40 – 44
    - 90 kg – 140 kg/140+ kg

    WPC – European Powerlifting & Benchpress
    17. – 19.05.2002
    Schmölln – Germany
    Schmölln/Germany – Ostthüringenhalle (East-Thüringen-Hall)
    Entry Form
    Surname:____________________Given/First Name:____________________
    Date of Birth:____________________Age:____________________
    Sex:Male: cFemale: c
    Powerlifting: cBenchpress: c
    Weight categories:
    Age categories:
    Teen: cJunior: cOpen: cSubmaster: cMaster: c
    Entry Fee:
    Powerlifting:40,00 €/Benchpress:40,00 €
    Both:60,00 €
    The entry fee is 30,00 € higher if you pay at the balance appointment!!
    Closing date for entries and entry fee is the 10th of May 2002
    Your participation is at your own risk. If you under the age of 18 (or below majority) this form has to be sign also by your legal representative(s) (parents).
    Destination, date: __________________________, _____________
    Parents/legal representatives:
    Please send back this sheet to:
    Frank Schütze, Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 5, 04600 Altenburg, Germany

em info english

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